Saturday, 8 January 2011

The Roller Derby Workout Challange Begins

So the holiday season has been and gone and what would normally be a season spent in a food induced coma, while attempting to get the blood alcohol level up to the point were you sweat wine, was sadly not to be this year thanks to catching a darn cold, leaving me feeling half dead and totally drained most of the time, which honestly isn’t the most fun way to spend the holidays. Hopefully you guys had a better time of things than me while the Derby world continues to beckon as the Roller Wenches enter a new year, with the goal of getting basic skills passed, so that we can finally get out there and start making a name for this team and carving out our own derby legacy and it’s clear already that in the months since the team formed, who the core team members are and the ones who really want this, especially with several of the team including myself signing up for, what could be seen as the derby version of a post holiday detox, known simply as the “Roller Derby Workout Challenge”.

The challenge is essentially an intense (read insane) eight week program combining both exercise routines and meal plans, designed specifically for Roller Derby skaters, with the intention of taking your regular training routine to the next level. This is also the kind of program which really tests were your breaking point is and forces you to push on through and this is just the feeling I’ve got just from reading through the exercise and meal plans…it’s safe to say this is going to be a tough eight weeks.

Why am I subjecting myself to this? Well partly it was being spurned on by several of the wenches taking part, which knowing other people going through the same thing, tends to make these things easier as you can spurn each other on, to go the whole distance rather than just giving up around week two. The other main reason is just down to the desire to get better at my chosen sport; despite currently training as a ref at the moment, I still feel that same desire to push myself to get better and plus it’s a whole lot more fun than just joining a gym.

So over the coming weeks I will be posting how the challenge is going, if only as a further inspiration to keep going, especially when things get tougher, as we move into the later weeks of the challenge (joy), but then I guess this why it’s a challenge, rather than a giveaway.

As part of this challenge I will be also be required to complete Homework assignments, the first of which I have completed below.

1) What do you think will be the hardest nutrition guideline for you to follow?

No doubt reworking my meal plans, so that it’s more centred around certain foods rather than set meals.

2) We want you to think before you eat, do you think before you shop?? Name three derby owned businesses.

Blood and Thunder Magazine, Wicked Skatewear and Derby Vixen who is truly the queen of custom toe any of those count??

3) What is one thing that you have in your fridge or pantry that you thought was healthy but may now be rethinking?

Noodles though honestly it’s probably for the best, seeing how my attempts to use them in stir-fry in the past, have usually ended badly, as a greasy cold mess…yummy.
Honestly though I not sure how the meal plans will play out, seeing how I currently have around £20 a week for food, so will do my best to stick to them or at least rework my existing meals to be more inline, with what I should be eating, so if any part of the challenge which I’m going to fail I think this will be the part I do. Still surely it’s better to make some kind of change to what your eating rather than no change?

4) Do you know your league history? Who founded your league and in what year?

The “Portsmouth Roller Wenches” were formed in June 2010, by Laura “Luna Lolly” Burrell (though don’t quote me on her being the founder). The team inspiring the short lived men’s team “The Scurvy Dogs” who also came together that same month, though despite the best intentions, fall apart in September due to lack of interest. I signed up with the Roller Wenches as their first ref (in training) around late October with Michelle AKA “IC Hell” also signing up for ref duties shortly afterwards. The team now roll onwards with their training with the intention of getting the team to bouting standard.

5) How did you come up with your derby name?

“Rudyard Crippling” was the result of much scrawling down a huge list of names and then being forced to eliminate 99% of them, due to someone else already having claimed them. It ended up being almost by accident that I stumbled across the name, having picked up a copy of “The Jungle Book” and suddenly realising that “Kippling”, sounded a lot like Crippling and hence the name was born.

6) Attach a photo to your note that conveys how you feel going into this challenge. It can be of you, or of an object, or something you find on the web.

When ever I think of this challange I keep thinking of Rocky style on a similar tact here's "Montage" from "Team America World Police"

So that's the easy part done, now onto the not so easy part, which will not only be sticking to the exercise plan, but doing it every day which seeing how I'm having to give up caffinee as part of this challange, it's gonna be real intresting to see how this goes.

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